BCN3D Sigma R17 Dual

2.699,00 ME ΦΠΑ

Availability: In Stock


Ο καινούριος BCN3D SIGMA R17 είναι η κύριά μας Dual Extruder επιλογή!

H δυνατότητα εκτύπωσης με 2 κεφαλές είναι κάτι που προσφέρουν πολλοί εκτυπωτές, λίγοι όμως είναι αυτοί που το κάνουν καλά ή ακόμα πιο σωστά, για τα δικά μας κριτήρια ως τώρα δε το προσέφερε κανένας!

Ο Sigma R17 διαφέρει από όλες τις άλλες dual extruder επιλογές στο γεγονός ότι οι κεφαλές του είναι εντελώς ανεξάρτητες! Αυτό έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα να μην έχουμε χειρότερη ποιότητα εκτύπωσης όσο τυπώνουμε με 1 κεφαλή, να μην έχουμε τον κίνδυνο να ρίξει η 2η κεφαλή το μοντέλο μας αλλά και κυριότερα να έχουμε υψηλής ποιότητας 2χρωμες ή μονόχρωμες με υδατοδιαλυτά supports εκτυπώσεις, χωρίς να χτίζουμε περιττές γεωμετρίες για να κρατάνε τη 2η κεφαλή απασχολημένη ούτε τα γνωστά σταξίματα/λερώματα όσο προθερμαίνεται ο 2ος extruder στους άλλους εκτυπωτές.

Οι ανεξάρτητες κεφαλές του είναι ο καλύτερος τεχνικά τρόπος για να έχουμε αξιοπρεπές dual extrusion (για πολυχρωμία ή υδατοδιαλυτά στηρίγματα ή διαφορετικού είδους υλικά ταυτόχρομα) και είναι κάτι που δε συναντάμε ούτε σε ανταγωνιστικά πιο ακριβά μηχανήματα!

Διαθέτει μεγάλο build size 210x297x210mm, οθόνη αφής, εξελιγμένα ηλεκτρονικά, μεγάλο εύρος αναλωσίμων και υψηλή ακρίβεια εκτύπωσης!


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The BCN3D Sigma is a professional FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) 3D printer able to print every object you might set your mind on with very high detail. It is characterized by its IDEX (Independent Dual Extruder) system, which allows to print without geometric limitations and offers the possibility of combining existing techniques such as multimaterial, multicolor and support printing.

Independent Dual Extruder

The IDEX system consists in an independent dual extruder, which main advantage lies on its easy calibration and the clean results obtained where combining two colors or materials. This is possible due to each extruder prints each part while the other one remains on the side, preventing the dropping of molten material into the printed part.

It’s always better with color

The independent dual extruder allows the BCN3D Sigma to print multicolored pieces on the same print, taking another huge step in the 3D printing world. This option provides greater complexity to the printed pieces, making them more attractive, without affecting its quality or printing time.

Printing with two materials

The possibility of printing two different materials makes this system ideal for manufacturing parts that may require support structures, easily combining PVA (water-soluble material) for the supports and PLA for the part. The user will have access to an unlimited variety of parts, overtaking almost all the FFF technology limitations.

High quality printing

Thanks to its sturdy aluminum chassis and high quality components, the BCN3D Sigma can print up to 50 µm layer height. The BCN3D Sigma can print any object you might imagine with very high level of quality and detail, taking the lead in the market, both in terms of accuracy and reliability.

Better and easier

The BCN3D Sigma arrives with a completely updated firmware. Through its LCD touch screen, you can interact with the machine quickly and effectively. Enjoy a completely redesigned interface with new features and more intuitive.


BCN3D Sigma and Simplify3D® – it’s a perfect match! Simplify3D is powerful 3D printing software that provides complete control over your print settings, making it easier to consistently produce high-quality 3D prints.

Plug and play

Despite what its potential and versatility, the BCN3D Sigma is an easy to use machine. Its assistants allow a fast setup and the available printing configurations for multiple materials empower the user to print straight forward. This is a great example of the BCN3D Technologies attempt to bring technology to any public.

Physical Dimensions

General dimensions  465mm x 440mm x 680mm (including cables)

Weight 15kg (without filament spools)

Shipping box dimensions 550mm x 550mm x 630mm

Shipping weight 21kg

Printer Properties

Architecture IDEX

Technology Fused Filament Fabrication

Build Volume 210mm x 297mm x 210mm

Number of extruders 2

Nozzle diameter 0,3mm 0,4mm (standar) 0,5mm 0,6mm 0,8mm 1,0mm

Heated Bed PCB

Screen Full Color Capacitive TouchPAD

ConnectivitySD Card (autonomous) USB

Electronics BCN3D Electronics v1.0 Independent Stepper Drivers

Operating Sound 50 dBA


Printing Properties

Layer height 0,05 – 0,5mm (depending on the nozzle diameter)

Positioning resolution (X/Y/Z) 12,5 µm / 12,5 µm / 1 µm

Extruder maximum temperature 290°C

Extruder maximum printing temperature 280°C

Heated bed maximum temperature 100°C

 Support material PVA


Compatible Materials



File preparation software

Cura-BCN3D, Simplify3D, Slic3r

Operative Systems

Windows, Mac, Linux

BCN3D Sigma R17 Dual

BCN3D Sigma R17 Dual